Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Oceanside Pier

Some time, when you are watching a movie, pay attention to the lighting. It's night time and cloudy but we can still see everything...it's cloudy but our hero is squinting as though staring at the sun...that sort of thing.
Much of what we see is suggestion, and our minds fill in the rest. Imagery is a powerful tool and advertisers know it.
I enjoy analyzing images and movies. One of the highlights of my museum career---other than my first day at work for the UBC Geological Museum, but nearly as early---was being involved in the production of "Rock Candy: A Video About Mineral Collecting". One of the most satisfying parts about being involved in such a low budget cinematic undertaking (i.e. small) is that one has the chance to experience almost every aspect of film making; if not in directly performing tasks, or even roles, then more than vicariously by being in such proximity as to observe minutiae in the work by those whose purview a particular assignment was.
Beach, palm trees, sunset. OK, the photographer enhanced the sunset colors a bit...
How about completely fabricated? Dec 27th, the sun is nearly at high noon. Anyway, I thought I would have a bit of fun creating an image that reminded one of warm summer evenings. It's Frederick's job, and those who know me, know to whom I am referring. :-)

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