Friday, September 25, 2009

Eternity...or not.

I have driven past these dunes so many times and kept meaning to stop to wander in and do some photography, but I was either pushed for time or the weather wasn't great (too windy) or there was just plain too much dust being kicked up by dune buggies and others...or,or,or. One day though, we arrived just as a brief rain shower unloaded and moved northwest. The light was different from any I had seen there and that tipped that scales. We wandered up and over the dunes barefoot. Raindrops had created a rough surface, yet when one put full weight down, one's foot pushed through the 2 cm wet "crust" into the loose, warm sand below. The sultry air was laden with not only the moisture from above, but the evaporate escaping the sand as well.
Standing on top of one of the dunes far enough from the highway not to be able to see it, I could turn around and the sand seemed to continue forever---not really, but the impression of vastness was palpable. The thought about just how many sand grains there were in this pile helped the illusion along... I think "infinity" might have been a more proximate bit of vocabulary to my thoughts but the little gray cells produced "eternity".
I made a card titled such and showed it to a friend. Her reaction? "Oh no, I don't think I'd want to spend Eternity there. How desolate!" I distinctly heard my romantic bubble make a most discernible popping sound as all my notions about a title for this scene made a messy pile around my ankles. Blink. Marie was absolutely right...wrong word! Don't allow me to mislead you. I still recall very well the sensations of whatever connection I had at the time but I seem unable to find the movie title for them. Oh well, can't win 'em all...
Viewers for now will have to settle for the actual name of this 5 by 40+ mile [read: hardly infinite either] stretch of ancient Lake Coahuila beach sand: Imperial Sand Dunes, California.

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