Monday, September 28, 2009

Weight of the World

I had just gotten my last post out and was starting on this one (trying to get ahead of the game...) when all of a sudden my internet connection was lost. “That time already?” Yes…moving time. We had canceled service at our old location and were supposed to have it reconnected at our new location the next day. Met the ATT service man there even, as I was unloading the car. “Should be set now!” he said. The move hadn’t quite progressed as much as I had hoped in terms of me getting my office set up again (Finally! This evening…). It turn out that I would not have gotten far anyway, as I met another ATT man the next day looking to establish which home was which address. The wonderfully friendly, chipper service man yesterday, it would seem, had terminated our neighbor’s telephone service and set her up with DSL. The ATT post for her apartment is cleverly situated in front of our home (on the far corner from her home, to boot), Now our neighbor didn’t realize that she had gained something in the deal because she doesn’t use internet, but the phone must have been unusually dead because ATT help was quick to correct the error, though allowing enough time for me to get myself in order and set up again.

Anyway...a few days ago, I remembered a certain thought about this image:

The image of someone with the weight of the world upon him and heading for a church seemed rather poignant. I leave it to the viewer to add perspective. I firmly believe religion to be individual activity, even in a so-called “gathering of two or more”.
However, having had that thought as I observed this scene, I remembered that there was indeed a certain man, to whom this very church was no strange place, that would, for at least a period of 13 days if never another day in his life, have indeed felt the weight of the world on his shoulders: John F. Kennedy.

Today, after a week of moving household, I look at it and there is yet another perspective. A house full of stuff isn’t nearly as heavy and I am indeed fortunate that most of the weight on my shoulders this past week consisted of only it.
Not only that, but on Saturday, Leila and I scrambled to get done, cleaned up and off to a fine anniversary dinner at The Melting Pot, the latter becoming dangerously close to becoming a tradition :-)

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