Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Just finished watching a movie called "August Rush". It is a fairy tale...and given what we have in the theatres today, it is a much needed one. Not to judge (really) others, but "August Rush" has such a positive message. Following the music...

The word contains the sound ˈmyüz...more recognizable as muse, defined as "a source of inspiration; especially : a guiding genius" (Merriam-Webster online).

I recently read a blog post---funny, now that I have started one, I have also started reading some---that decried the notion of "doing what you love" as a way to making money. I think the author missed the point. It is a way of getting the most out of life. If money is your music, then by all means, follow it.

While visiting friends in Pennsylvania, the day this image was shot, we went to a drumming evening that our friends hosted. A young man and his father also joined in that evening; obviously for the first time. He was extremely frustrated at not being able to bang out a beat on the bongo...just couldn't do it. I laughed to myself---not at him, but at the fact that I couldn't either. I was having fun trying though, he wasn't. One of the more experienced drummers handed him a wooden box with a stick and showed him how to hit it with a beat and encouraged him to continue and the rest would just follow his lead. Well, he wasn't the best at that either BUT it was a beat clear enough that I could make it out and all of a sudden I could bang that bongo with some semblance of a beat. Talk about the blind leading the blind! What a wonderful evening!

No, I haven't decided that I need to become a musician. My beat isn't found in a metronome...mine is the sound of a shutter. When all I hear is the sound of my pulse, and when it is still enough to keep steady, the sound of the shutter, then I am following my muse.

Now I just need to get good enough to make some money ;-)...

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